Here’s an email I sent to several of our customers. Send an email to if you didn’t receive it!
April 22, 2020
As one of my commanders used to say, “Flexibility is the key to success on the modern battlefield.” We’re trying to remain flexible, shifting personnel to new tasks, and maintaining communications with our customers. Yes, we’re an essential business based on our work mix within industries.
I am sending out this quick email to let you know that ThermoFusion is still here, still working, and still being as flexible as possible to meet your needs.
Check our website, and especially the Blog page – we’re posting updates there whenever something changes.
We’re on ThomasNet, which has other resources for companies during this interesting time. We occasionally post on LinkedIn and Facebook. Sorry, we’re still not on Instagram or Twitter – would it be helpful if we were? #HashtagTheCowboy seems to be adding a lot on Twitter!
Here are our ThermoFusion updates for April, feel free to reach out to me if you have any specific questions:
Heat Treating and Brazing Classes: Glen and I will make ourselves available if you want to have a class for your engineers or buyers.
Personnel: We are working a minimal crew to maintain operations while social distancing. We’re ready for Governor Newsom to open California up for full work again!
Lead Times: With our basic minimum crew it’s a lot more limited, so lead times have increased a day or two. If your work supports the local medical community, we’ll prioritize it.
Pickup and Delivery: call Frank (510-782-7755 x237) to schedule a pickup. We’re down from 4 drivers to 2, and will try to accommodate your pickup or delivery as best as possible. If you bring parts to us, honk vigorously at the gate and we’ll open it up. You could call too, but honking is more fun.
Induction Hardening: We’re still building coils and running parts.
Carburizing, Quench and Temper: Our two furnaces are fully operational.
Vacuum Hardening, Vacuum Brazing: We have 5 furnaces for vacuum work. We’re still running tooling twice a week, for right now it’s on Tuesday and Thursday very early in the morning.
Hydrogen Annealing, Hydrogen Brazing: We have 2 furnaces for atmospheric pressure hydrogen, and 1 furnace for partial pressure hydrogen.
Nitriding, Ferritic Nitrocarburizing: We updated the control system late last year, which has made the furnace much more efficient. This allows us to run 2 or 3 runs per week, essentially doubling our throughput. Our processes are still Northrop approved.
Certifications and Quality: We attained Nadcap, Honeywell and SpaceX approvals late last year. We maintain our Northrop SPARS. We’re still ISO and AS certified, going on 10 years now. We remain, even in these tumultuous times, ITAR compliant.
As always, give me a call (925-899-2067) or send me an email ( if you have any questions.
Best regards,
Nils Kjell
Director, Sales and Marketing
ThermoFusion, Inc.