For Immediate Release …
ThermoFusion, the pre-eminent supplier of brazing and heat treating services in Northern California, has announced the expansion of their heat treating services. ThermoFusion now offers marquenching and austempering, in addition to their annealing, hardening, vacuum and hydrogen services.
Marquenching and austempering use a less aggressive quenchant, reducing the cooling rate slightly, and reducing distortion caused by rapid temperature change (thermal shock). In high carbon material, these alternative processes allow for the formation of bainite instead of martensite, which allows spring steels to remain “springy” as they get hard.
“Marquenching and austempering are not readily available from California heat treaters, due to their complex process parameters. We’re proud that we’re able to offer these expanded capabilities to our customers.”, said Glen Ottinger, President of ThermoFusion.
For more information, contact Nils Kjell, Director of Sales & Marketing, at 510-782-7755 x225 or Visit ThermoFusion on the web at