Its been a long month, bringing on the hundreds of customers from Edwards Heat Treating. But we’ve received good feedback, and retained everyone from Edwards during this exciting change!
Here’s what our CEO, Dave Buttner, had to say:
“Dear Friends,
“Thank you for putting your trust in our heat treating and brazing services. It’s been a busy month for you and for us, with the integration of all the Edwards Heat Treating customers. Our staff is excited to be working closely with both our current and new customers.
“If you have any comments, concerns or questions about what we’ve done this past month, please call me (Dave), Glen (our President), or Nils (our Director of Sales). Our phone number is at the top of the page. Our email is there too – it will get to Glen, Nils and me. We want to make sure that we’ve taken care of you, or we’ve addressed any area you think we’ve fallen short.
“Thanks again for your support and patience as we grow to support your needs.”